
Legal Opinion was finished by “Utility Token” through global law firms (UK and Singapore).

Code Audit Review of GXT Token Finished

Code Audit Review related to GXT Token (ERC 20) from specialized companies was finished. The SlowMist Security Team received the GXT team’s application for a smart contract security audit of the Gem Exchange and Trading in 2021. 11. 02. The following are the details and results of this smart contract security audit.

GXT Business Stability Review Finished

The review related to stability and continuity of business is finished from the blockchain business review and valuation specialized company.

GXT Platform Security Enhancement

System security of the GXT Platform is applied with the multiplexed security system. In particular, the abnormal symptom warning system is used for 24-hour monitoring. In addition, the personal OTP has been applied to protect the holder’s (member) wallet from hacking.

GXT Token Incineration Policy

GXT Token used and recovered in the GXT Platform are partially incinerated in consideration. The incineration amount and issuance amount each year used and holding amount will be analyzed and decided. It is for maintaining the value of the GXT Token and the stability of the service.

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