GXT Smart Contract
Identity Accreditation Contract Code
When users register for the GXT membership, users need to set up Google OTP and secondary passwords after completing KYC verification, and the stored customer information will be encrypted and administrated by the secure DB server.
Payment Contract Code
Content registered on the GXT platform is priced by the provider for the product, and when the consumer accepts the payment, a bilateral payment agreement code is executed. As soon as the content is received by the end-user, the contract is completed. The settlement process is also carried out through smart contracts, and we want to establish an efficient settlement system.
Security transaction security and fraud prevention
The GXT service platform protects servers, clients, networks, and data through security solutions When an abnormality occurs in the tracking information on the off-chain related to GXT Token illegal payment, it detects it and implements the illegal payment prevention and blacklist account as a smart contract.
Last updated