LEMMA Ecosystem

LEMMA Ecosystem

  • LEMMA Private blockchain collects raw data.

  • With this collection, AGORA provides processed data to the users which meets the needs of people.

  • LEMMA Explorer enables the data search.

  • The collected data is provided to advertisers to specifically target the users. High-quality data increases the efficiency of the advertisement


AGORA is a data-sharing platform that users can participate in by connecting their DEX wallets. With the raw data the LEMMA CHAIN collects, AGORA provides processed data to the users. In order to avoid data manipulation and secure decentralization, blockchain is the better solution than cloud services. LEMMA Chain reflects the data to public blockchain to ensure authenticity, using Merkle Tree. Users can do different activities with the data they have including commerce. Users can increase the popularity of the data by providing useful and practical data to other users. The higher the popularity, the higher the data providers obtain income. This is a mechanism that can stimulate the user's creative desire. AGORA will be categorized into different sections, such as music, game, coding, sports, and more.

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