
Bon Voyage


Bon Voyage is a platform that captures the journey of people's lives, which means that life is like a voyage. It is an SNS service that allows users to achieve their goals, share them with each other, gain sympathy, and receive GEMMA as compensation.

Users can transparently manage important personal information such as individual goals and tastes and receive benefits accordingly. Since Bon Voyage is composed of goals that users want to achieve, it can be very useful data for advertisers. This will be a key service that provides distributed user data to the Columbus platform.



In the early days, the influencer market was organized based on individual capabilities, but now large institutions such as agencies dominate the influencer market. influencers are also affiliated with their agencies and are expanding their activities.

FYIN is a platform that can be used by any institution or influencer as a portal. FYIN is a platform that directly matches all campaigns that companies need with influencers or agencies, and the fees incurred in the matching process are also very low. The project was launched to utilize influencers around the world as a promotional channel for GEMMA.

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